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Christophe Leroux (us)


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current events :

> next exhibition in French :
- Burning Metal, Seven Seventy Gallery à Saint-Germain, Paris, jan 2011

> next exhibition in USA :
 - Sonce Alexander Gallery, Inaugural group show, Los Angeles, CA, jan 2014
 - MOCA FRESH Auction, Los Angeles, CA, mar 2012
 - SCOPE Miami fair, Maximillian Gallery, Miami, FL, dec 2011
 - George Billis Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, Ap 2011


<< Tow Hook, oil, mixte, 2010
>> 733, painted twisted metal, 2010



Christophe Leroux lives between Paris and Los Angeles and exhibits his artwork in both cities ; he is constantly innovating and improving, adding new media to his art form : design, paintings, prints, sculptures, art wear.


the way to a global art...

Christophe, a hard worker, now masters diverse techniques and he is at a level where he can freely express his imagination and ideas.
His art reflects contemporary society and he transcribes the industrial, military and day-to-day aspects of our world. While using harsh and dangerous materials such as acid, rust, fire, his art is never destructive and conveys a positive aesthetic, he even introduces a touch of humour (the “cow” series are, in his mind, part of today’s industrial environment) : yes, the day to day life is still exciting, joyful and colourful ! Christophe expresses his positive outlook through his work.


The reproductions illustrate the cohesiveness and strength of the work, when ever the media :


 in the atelier (clic=zoom)
behind : black oil, 2006 ;
right on top  : un "an unidentified object ", 2005 ;
right bottom : an wall light, 1998


> some paintings :


 oil, tech.mixte, 2003



< some twisted metal :


painted twisted metal, on plexi, 2004


> big di or triptyque :


oil, mixte, "The Cows" serie,
2005, 2(50 x 1.25 m)


< etchings, too :


"7", etching on metal, 2004




> "moulés" objects, like some unidentified curious :





concrete, oil, mixted media, 2003

< and... "artwear" :

first created for his own us, Christophe developped this concept...
exhibited to the Musee Galliera in Paris



art to wear for Petit-Bateau
musée Galliera, Paris, 2005



the beginning : an open research

after his studies at ENSMODE, 1990 (fashion university), he begin to design some objects and furniture with a first exhibition for Opel in 1991),




double signed piece 1998 ; 1998, painted steel, mixted media



signed unique piece 1996 ; glass, wood, inox, aluminium ;
copyright model


Christophe worked in the aux USA
and in France, too,




he began to develop an artistic work in
his particular style : oil, etching :



console for an record studio >>


paper on the Madame
Figaro Revue




etching on metal, 2000


oil on canvas, 2002


etching, 2003 


...and sculpture which, constantly, oppose grace and strengh :



steel, mixted media, concrete, 


zoom on wrinkled metals :

in 2003, he developed a new sculptural concept, using metal sheets as the prime medium :


the metal sheets are painted, treated then twisted and folded and mounted on Plexiglas




aluminium, technique mixte, plexi, 2003 and 2007





some wall sculptures...


...as well as large scale steel sculptures with concrete bases, which reach the heights of flames :





concrete, aluminium, mixte media,
2003 et 2007


<< this work was featured in Leroux solo show in 2003 at the Hedi Khorsand, gallery in Beverly Hills, Hollywood, CA.,

 this one was sold in France in 2007 >>



Step by step the metal is explored from mat to shine skins, twisted or crumpled like a paper sheet, ever with some caustics messages




aluminium, mixte media, plexiglas ; 2003 and 2009





zoom on oils :

Oil paintings have always been a key element of Christophe’s work and he creates themed series  :



diptyque oil, 2000

oil on canvas, 2002


oil, mixted media, 2003


zoom on etchings :

Every year Christophe creates a series of prints – a different media which permits him to express another aspect of his talent ; they are characterized by their lightness, their delicateness and the intensity of nuances .

On right : Hutan, presented at the musée Galiara, Paris, 2005 :




5U5, etching on metal, 2000


Assile, etching on metal, 2002


Hutan, etching on metal, 2005


zoom on "Artwear" : 

In 2005, Christophe experienced with a new genre : artwear ; this approach is the result of a collaboration with Petit-Bateaux, international leader in children’s clothing. In order to extend and increase the brand’s reach, Christophe designed and developed hand printed one of a kind tee-shirts and underwear. 

The campaign was so successful that the Musée Galliera exhibited signed clothing as well as artwork (paperwork, metal sculptures). Leading trend-setting boutiques Colette (Paris), Corso Como (Milano) and Selima (New York) exclusively distributed and exhibited Christophe’s artwear in 2005...


Colette shop in Paris november 2005, signed wears, oils

... then with Petit-Bateau : the exhibition "Art is You !", Champs-Elysées, Paris, 2006.



Petit Bateau shop, Champs Elysees, Paris,
april 2006 : wears, wrinkled metals, oils



> some exhibitions 

97 : gallery Pascal Odile, Paris
98 : Sonce Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
01 : fair Art Contemporain, Paris
02 : fair Venice Art Walk, Venice, CA
02 : solo, Zeneta Kertisz Art Gallery, Venice, CA
03 : solo, Hedi Khorsand Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
04 : solo, gallery de Zuniga, Les Sables d’Olonnes, France
05 : solo, gallery Simone, Le Marais, Paris
05 : musée Galiéra, Paris : "Petit Bateau, un fil à suivre"
05 : Artwear pour Petit Bateau : Colette Paris, Corso Como
06 : UNAM, Mexico University Museum collection
02, 03, 04, 05, 06 : fair Réalités Nouvelles, Paris
06 : ’L’oeuvre d’art c’est vous’ Petit Bateau Champs-Elysées, Paris
06 : MATEC, collection de luminaires pour le fair Equip’Hôtel, Paris
07 : solo Mairie de Cambrai
07 : fair des Realités Nouvelles, Paris (artiste invité)
09 : solo, gallery JTM, Paris
10 : LA Art Show/ Los Angeles, CA
11 : solo, gallery Seven Seventy, Paris
11 : George Billis Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
12 : MOCA FRESH Auction, Los Angeles, CA


> images :
courtesy Christophe Leroux




> his website










Le "Petit Mot" : 10 micro-newsletter/an, gratuites


annonces d'événements :


 un chat post-surréaliste

le Réalisme fantastique est une expression plus récente du surréalisme

ce Chat Bleu de Raimondo Cardelli (1938-2008) exprime que le rêve serait aussi réel que le quotidien

explication et vidéo ici


tableau en vente chez les Atamanes


à vendre : petit tableau surréaliste

cette aquarelle post-surréaliste de Janine Zimbler est typique ; une oeuvre délicate d’une artiste inspirée, dont une oeuvre a été achetée par le Centre Pompidou

plus d’information



les peintres actuels au Musée d’Orsay

 événement exceptionnel :
le musée d’Orsay accueille 80 peintres contemporains pour 1 seul jour

Jeudi 19 de 14 à 21h30

réservez ici


100 ans de surréalisme, chez Larousse

ce beau livre bien illustré pourtant abordable, est un sommet documentaire !

dans la même veine que l’exposition à Pompidou, il parcourt largement le surréalisme et dévoile des artistes qu’on aurait pas toujours cru "atteints" par le mouvement

un document indispensable



c’est La Fête des Puces à Saint-Ouen



le plus grand marché de brocanteurs et d’antiquaires au monde vous convie à sa Fête annuelle

Jeudi 26 septembre dès 19h
jusqu’à... très tard



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(Almanart est annonceur, pas place de marché)


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